The body – human or animal – is one of the most complicated and fascinating things if you care to think about how some functions come to be. The average human body has about 10,000 trillion cells in total, but this disparity ranges widely with some estimates putting the figure as low as 50 trillion cells.
Now, about the largest and smallest cells in our bodies. How many of you knew this one – show of likes? Yup, the female egg, better known as the ovum, is the largest cell in the human body. It measures approximately one millimeter in diameter. The reason the ovum is larger than the others can be attributed to the fact that it needs the large size to nourish itself prior to implantation in the uterus.
Unlike other cells, the ovum is visible with the naked eye and you don’t necessarily need a microscope to spot one.
Surprisingly enough, the sperm cell takes the mantle of the smallest cell in the human body. It’s a case of David defeats Goliath, huh? The sperm cell is approximately one-tenth the diameter of a human hair.
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