It may be the subject of many a joke, but few will actually admit to doing it. It’s a common trend, no matter what anyone says. In fact, it’s so common that ‘The Big Book of Masturbation’, courtesy of Martha Cornog puts masturbation as the second-most common human sexual act!
This act of pleasuring oneself, aka fellatio, has been practiced throughout history, and turns out it actually might be a good thing after all. Yes, it’s good for your health – both boys and girls. What’s more, it can play a great role in boosting your sexual efforts.
For starters, it can raise resistance to prostate infection and lead to a healthier prostate overall for the guys. It also improves the immune system function and men who are likely to masturbate over 5 times a week have less chances of developing prostate cancer. For the women, it increases blood flow to the pelvic region which tends to reduce backaches and menstrual pains, it also reduces pre-menstrual tension and associated physical conditions like cramps, not to mention an improved resistance to yeast infections.
Is this enough justification for masturbation?
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