Tuesday, 11 March 2014

The largest flower in the world can get up to 12 feet tall, and smells like a dead body

Did you know which flower boasts the largest bloom in the world? It’s called the Rafflesia arnoldii and can be found in the rainforests of Indonesia. The Rafflesia can grow to weigh up to 15 pounds and 3 feet across. Yes, we mentioned 12 feet somewhere, just keep reading…
This flower is parasitic plant: it attaches itself to a host plant to get its unfair share of water and nutrients. This plant is weird in its own ways – it has no visible stem, leaves or roots. The odor emitted by the Rafflesia in bloom is a repulsive one and resembles that of rotting meat, yuck! And that’s meant to be a flower…But it is this odor that ensures it doesn’t go extinct. It attracts insects and other agents of pollination to do their thing.
But the Rafflesia isn’t what has brought us here today. It is another humongous counterpart of it called the Amorphophallus titanium, also found in Indonesia. This beats the Rafflesia when it comes to odor and this has earned it the nickname the ‘corpse flower’. Yes, the largest flower reeks of death! Pollinators are also attracted to the Titan arum by the rotting smell. Of all flowering plants, this has the largest unbranched inflorescence the world over. It can reach heights of 7-12 feet, and weighs almost 170 pounds!

Nyotaimori is the Japanese tradition of eating sushi off a perfectly still, And naked woman’s body

Nyotaimori is a form of sushi consumption that involves eating off a woman’s body. The word can be roughly translated to mean the ‘adorned body of a woman’, or ‘female body arrangement’. But even in Japan, it’s not as mainstream as some would have you believe.
A woman who aspires to partake nyotaimori sessions has to undergo some training into how to lie down for hours without moving. Before food is served, the individual is supposed to take a bath that involves a unique fragrance-free soap before bathing in cold water which is meant to cool the body a bit for the sushi.
Men practice it too, since it would be unfair for the guys to get all the fun, eh? But it has attracted some great deal of ire from feminists the world over. Some parts of the world have sanitation laws that stipulate that a plastic layer or some other such material should be placed between the body and the sushi. Other countries though, have banned it altogether.
Nyotaimori is served best without forks, chop sticks, spoons et al: the fun lies in licking the food off the bod.

People who stay up late at night are likely to be more intelligent than those who go to bed early

Contrary to the old adage that the earlier you got to bed the wiser you become (who came up with this anyway?), research now proves that night owls are indeed smarter than the early birds.
A recent study has found that those who tend to stay up late and wake up later in the morning are mostly people with a high IQ. In other words, the more intelligent you are the more likely you are a night owl. Perhaps this was the origin of the old phrase-burning the midnight oil-as characterized by more intelligent people?
A psychologist at The London School of Economics going by the name Satoshi Kanazawa, argues that as much as humans have specialized mental modules for carrying out tasks such as social interaction, navigation among many others, general intelligence is a module on its own. He even has data to prove that those with higher IQ have values and preferences that just didn’t make sense for our ancestors to come to terms with. Staying up late is one of these and it all boils down to genetic predisposition. Our ancestors may not have had electricity 5,000 years ago though. So our general intelligence has to override the early-to-bed instinct.
Don’t be quick to attempt being one of them, however. It comes at a price. For one, other studies show that ‘eveningness’ is attributed to a high level of emotional instability. Implying that you will be less agreeable and conscientious than the average person. Not only that, the staying up late habit is three times more likely to make you suffer from depression symptoms. And you all know that the habit us not good for your physical health, not to mention the risk of heart disease and arterial stiffness. Is it a price worth paying?

Female kangaroos have three vaginas

The biology of a female kangaroo is just out of this world. Mating even doesn’t begin to explain it. For starters, female kangaroos have three vaginas (tripartite vaginal canal) that all meet at the opening. Each has side tubes that take the sperm up the central tube for the baby kangaroo to come out.
What you mostly know about the kangaroo is its enviable natural pouch. This one is not just for carrying the baby in. it serves as an additional outer uterus, to compliment the two interior uteruses. When the female (doe) is ready for sex, she emits a scent that will be caught by the males (bucks). Since they live in groups called, guess the name?-mobs-they have no trouble finding a male who’s ready to give it a go. He follows her around, as he strokes her tail and smells her urine, which all serve as foreplay before they get into the main dance. The actual mating is pretty lengthy and goes on for 10-15 minutes.
After the sperm fertilizes the egg, the embryo will develop for about 33 days, come out-blind and hairless-before its put into the cozy pouch. It will nurse there on one of the mother’s four nipples and the mother goes to mate again. The mother will determine whether she wants the embryo to develop or not, even keeping it there until she needs it.
After the first joey is ready to go out of the pouch, its sibling comes out and goes into the pouch for development. The doe can decide if she wants to mate again or she’s had enough. Kangaroos can have three joeys at any one time. And guess what else? She can produce different milk for each of joey, based on how many calories he/she needs. As of that’s not all, the female can even determine the sex of the babies!

Google tried to sell itself for $1 million in 1999

Would you believe Google wanted to cash in for $1 million in its early days? True, and what’s also true is that no one was interested in buying it. One company that stepped forth was Excite, and the CEO at the time, George Bell, said he wasn't willing to pay a million dollars for the search engine. He haggled with the search engine’s founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin to bring the price down to $750,000, but he ended up rejecting that offer as well!
It was just months after Google has been set up in 1999 so Bell could be forgiven for rejecting that kind of money for the start up, but the industry must have been blind to the direction things were headed and the potential that this start up really had.
Excite was one of the big boys in the ‘90s, rivaling the likes of Yahoo!, but it gradually slipped into oblivion itself until Ask Jeeves (today Ask.com) swallowed it in 2004. Much to Bell’s chagrin, Ask Jeeves tried to enter into a search engine war with Google over the years, but as the former faded, one of the most recognizable brands on earth today began its rise and domination to the point that some claim it’s ‘God’. As of May 2013, the company had a market capitalization of $268.44 billion.

How to make money Online?

Hello friend!!! Do you want some earning online, then here is something for you.
You can earn money by many way online.


By blogging you can earn by showing add on your blog or selling your products. You can also provide paid subscription and can ask your visitor for some donation.
Some of the best blogging sites are:
  • blogspot.com This is a Google owned site and is the no1 blogging site.
  • wordpress.com This is also professional look site and have many tools for blogging.


PPC stands for pay per clicks. You get paid for every click on the add given on your site or blog. Google adsense is the highest paid PPC site.


This stands for pay per mile. You get paid for the traffic generated by your site. For this usually you need high traffic generated site.


You can earn also by just clicking ad on some CPC sites. They pay you for your every click. This doesn't generate very big amount but you can start some earning start up.


On YouTube you can earn by uploading your video and by monetizing your video. You get paid for every view, like and comments. This is a very good platform for easy earning of a great amount of money.


You get paid for your work for the people who are busy in their other works like web designing, writing, logo designing etc.

How to increase blackberry Internet browser speed?

There are few things you can do to significantly increase the speed of your blackberry browser.Below are some of the tips you can use to do that.
Turn image off» Downloading/loading images takes a whole lot of time.It strains your blackberry while loading them and as a result,slows it down. Therefore,disabling image-mode will help fasten the browser. To disable your browser's image,go to options → Browser configuration → Set ́show images̀ to “NO”. Next,uncheck “Use Background Images”.
Turn Javascript support off» Turning off Javascript can also help to increase your browser's load-speed.You can do that in the browser's configuration screen.